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Welcome to Writing Across Media! This semester you will examine and create  a variety of types of media, from video essays and videogames to podcasts, blogs, memes, maps and more! We'll start by considering writing and multimodality broadly, before delving into ways to expand the interactivity of your compositions. Then we'll look at remixes, remakes, and revision, and you'll revisit and remediate one of your own past creations. Finally, we'll turn to intersections between digital media and advocacy, ending with a project where you advocate for an issue that you're invested in across multiple types of media. I am looking forward to working with you all this semester!



Word choice, style, organization, and sentence structure. How do we express ideas using language?



Color, layout, size, style, and perspective. How do images convey meaning?



Music, silence, tone, rhythm, and speech. How do the noises that we hear shape our environment?



Location, arrangement, layout, and openness. How does our position in the world affect how we compose?



Hand movements, dance, facial expressions, and body language. How do we use our bodies to accompany speech?

Where Do I Find...?


Check the course calendar to find out what you need to read for class. Readings are listed beside the day you need to have them completed by, along with either a link or description of where you can find them. 


I'll be adding feedback on your work to Moodle this semester, aside from your in-class writing, which I'll comment on through Google Docs, Box, or the blogging platform you choose to use. Feel free to check in with me, either through virtual office hours or by setting up a meeting if you have questions about your progress in the course.


Make sure to check your university email account regularly, as I'll send updates and information to that account. We'll also meet over Zoom for class on Tuesdays, and I've set up chat channels through Zoom so you can ask questions, check in, or just chat outside of class time. 


Check the syllabus page for attendance, late work, and other policies.


Check the resources tab for further readings, videos, and games that may give you an idea of where you want to take your next project. Seek out creative works that you admire (or hate) and think about why. Visit a virtual museum or art gallery and consider how those spaces were created. Try a new platform or technology to experiment with the choices it offers. Talk to people in other fields about their creative and design projects. Delve into your past work and free yourself up to play.

Informatics 303: Writing Across Media                                    Fall 2020

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

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