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Multimodal Response 8: Metamodernity and Because the Internet

Camden Ostrander's webtext on Donald Glover's (Childish Gambino's) album, Because the Internet, explores several concepts: metamodernity, transmedia, identity, and existentialism. For this response, create a concept map that helps you break down these central ideas. Your map can center around your reaction or response to the webtext, central themes that you identified in the text, or it could take one of Ostrander's points and extend it further. Or you might use this map to summarize the sections of Ostrander's webtext and define what you see as the central concepts.

Feel free to use Ostrander's infographic as a starting point, but your concept map should reflect the structure of your own thinking, differentiating quotes and paraphrases of Ostrander's ideas from your own ideas and reflections.

Overall, consider how your concept map uses the visual, spatial, and linguistic modes to help you connect with this webtext. End your response with a brief (3-5 sentences) paragraph about the choices you made in creating your concept map, and why you made them.

Here are some ideas of elements you might include in your map, but feel free to go beyond these suggestions, or mix and match:

  • Memes and GIFs of your own creation

  • Quotes from Ostrander with your response

  • Images not included in the webtext that you see as connected

  • Directional markers (arrows, circles, symbols) that connect Ostrander's points to other concepts from our course

  • Screenshots of Genius annotations that you've added to one of Glover's songs

  • Tweets, Facebook posts, Instagram posts, news headlines

  • Links out to sources that provide context, another way of looking at these concepts, or that challenge Ostrander's points

  • Graphs, diagrams, tables, or other infographic elements

  • Drawings, sketches or cartoons

Response due November 12 at 9:30am. Upload to your individual website.

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