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Week of 10/6-10/8: Introduction to Remediation

Updated: Oct 10, 2020

Tuesday, October 6 Synchronous Topic: What is Remediation? Is Everything a Remix?

If you miss class: Make sure that you've watching "Everything's a Remix" and read the chapter on using sources from Writer/Designer. Take a look at the prompt for the midterm self-assessment that's due next week, as well as Multimodal Experiment 5 due on Sunday and let me know if you have questions. Also, review the slides posted below which walk through the concepts we'll be exploring in this unit.

Class Summary: We began with the in-class writing posted below, and then checked in how everyone's doing at this point in the semester. We then went over the prompts for Multimodal Experiment 5 and the midterm self-assessment, along with a short preview of the prompt for Major Project 2. Then everyone compared in-class writing responses in groups and reported back, and we ended by going over the concept of remediation through the slides posted below. We got to slide 9, and we'll revisit the rest next week.


In-Class Writing

Do you agree with the argument that everything's a remix? Why or why not? What implications does viewing everything as a remix have in different contexts? For instance, consider the legal implications when we look at the philosophy behind copyright law, or the educational implications when we look at the philosophy behind plagiarism policies, or the technological implications when we look at platforms like TikTok. What are the implications for this argument for your own work?

Tuesday, October 8 Asynchronous Topic: Time Management & Sources/Assets

The activities for the rest of the week are divided into two parts. The first connects to the topic of time management that you chose in the survey that you took at the beginning of the course, and the second connects to the discussion of sources and assets from the Writer/Designer reading.

Part 1: Time Management

Part 2: Sources and Assets

  • Fill out the second part of the Google Doc (same as above)

  • Share your copy of the Google Doc with me when you're done

Your other goal for the week is to play with Multimodal Experiment 5, which asks you to create a mini-remix of your own.

Share your Google Doc with me by Sunday at 10pm

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