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Week of 11/17-11/19: Social Media and Building Advocacy Networks Online

Tuesday, November 17 Synchronous Topic: Affordances and Constraints of Social Media Advocacy

If you miss class: Check in with me about any questions that you have regarding Project 3, as we'll be going over relevant content for that today. Check the Miro board linked below for insight into our class brainstorming on working with different social media platforms when doing advocacy, as well as the linked slides, which walk through key concepts linked to the two readings for today: "Adventures in Digital Organizing" and "#GirlsLikeUs: Trans Advocacy and Community Building Online." Make sure to also sign up for a time to meet with me for your conference after the break through the Calendly app linked below.

Class summary: We began with an in-class writing before checking in on upcoming deadlines and the plan for conferences after the break. Then people broke into groups to discuss their in-class responses and connections to the readings. After a discussion of The Waiting Game as an example of a digital advocacy text, we went over central takeaways from the podcast and #GirlsLikeUs article. We ended by brainstorming affordances, constraints, and advice for advocating on different social media platforms in the Miro board linked below.


In-Class Writing

What does online activism look like to you?

What you think of when you hear “digital activism.” What assumptions do you make? What audiences and people do you think of? Do you consider digital activism effective in bringing about social change?

If you find it relevant, and if you want to discuss it, you can also talk here about how COVID-19 has impacted your experience with and attitude toward digital activism.

Link either the podcast “Adventures in Digital Organizing” or Jackson, Bailey & Welles’ article, “#Girls Like Us” to your response, outlining how they support or challenge your view of digital activism.

Thursday, November 19 Asynchronous Topic: Project 3 Slice and Multimodal Experiment

The only asynchronous work for the remainder of the week is to submit your Project 3 slice, as well as Multimodal Experiment 10 if you still need multimodal experiment options for your final portfolio. For your slice, I recommend submitting the piece of media in progress that you want the most feedback on. Let me know if you have any questions about what you could submit for your slice.

I changed the due date from the usually Sunday to Thursday, November 19 at 10pm so as to not cut into your break, but let me know if you want more time or would like an extension to the usual Sunday, as there's some flexibility there.

Do drop in during office hours or the open hour on Thursday if you have any questions, and I hope everyone has a great break with good food and time to relax!

Next to a hashtag, hands hold up social media icons from Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram. One hand holds up a phone.
Image credit: Ludi Zhu/Daily Bruin

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