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Week of 8/25-8/27: Introductions

Updated: Aug 27, 2020

Welcome everyone! I'm excited to meet you all and get to know you this semester. I'll use these posts to give an overview of what you can expect for our virtual meetings on Tuesdays, as well as the materials you'll explore on your own on Thursdays. If you miss a virtual class, check here first and make sure to explore all the links to see the materials.

Tuesday, August 25 Synchronous Topic: Introduction and Course Goals

If you miss class: Make sure to send me an email so I can make sure you're up-to-date on our plan for the semester and that you have everything you need for the week. Go through the materials listed below, and make sure to read the course website and syllabus fully. Also, make sure to complete the in-class writing listed below and share it with me through either a Google Doc or another format (such as a file shared in Box) that you can update and I can comment on.

Class Summary: We went over the focus of the course, walked through the course website, and went through the main syllabus policies and course goals. Everyone also created Padlets and shared them in small groups before coming back together for a short round of introductions. We'll finish up going over the course materials next week and answer any questions folks have, and will also spend some time co-writing the technology policy for the course.


In-Class Writing

What is your relationship to media? What kinds of media do you engage with, and how and why? How does your position as an audience member compare to your position as a creator?

(If you choose, feel free to skip this last question if you'd rather not focus on it.) How has your relationship to media changed over the course of this year as we’ve dealt with a pandemic that’s changed our lives in many ways?

Thursday, August 27 Asynchronous Topic: Your Online Identity and Personal Goals

As I mentioned in class, on Thursdays you will work on your own, or in some cases in groups. Take today to fill out the class survey if you haven't yet (it should take about 15-20 minutes).

For today, make sure that you've read through the course website and syllabus fully if you haven't already. In particular, make sure to read through the assessment section of the syllabus and the prompts for the final portfolio and self-evaluations, as those will factor into your first Multimodal Experiment due this Sunday (8/30). Also, take a minute to sign up for a time to meet with me next week to set your portfolio goals for the course.

In addition, think about what website builder you would like to use this semester. Here is a guide to different options to help you choose. I'd recommend that you pick one and play around with the design and features to get familiar. You can use your website blog feature to host your Multimodal Experiments this semester, though it's not required. If you decide to take that option, make sure to add a link to your website to your submission in Moodle.

Other than that, use this time to work on your Multimodal Experiment 1, and read the two assigned pieces for our next virtual class: "What Are Multimodal Projects?" and "On Multimodal Composing."

I'll be available in an open Zoom call if you run into questions or want to check in about concerns you have in getting started. Check Moodle for the link to the call.

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