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Week of 9/22-9/24: Game Design and Player Choice

Updated: Sep 25, 2020

Tuesday, September 22 Synchronous Topic: Statements of Goals and Choices & Game Design

If you miss class: Take a look at the Statement of Goals and Choices prompt posted on our course site as well as the examples linked below, and let me know if you have any questions about that assignment and how it both supports the work you're doing with the major projects this semester. Also complete the in-class writing, which will help you brainstorm for your SOGC draft. We'll touch base on last week's conversation on interactive media, and students will pair up to give feedback on the Project 1 slices. We'll end with a conversation about The Beginner's Guide and Henry Jenkin's observations about game design and narrative.

Class Summary: We began with the in-class writing to help brainstorm for the Statement of Goals and Choices that accompanies your Project 1, followed by a check-in to see how everyone was doing. Then we went over the SOGC prompt, and looked at a couple examples, linked below: one is in an essay format, and the other in a table format. Either format will work for your own SOGC, as long as you answer the three central questions in the prompt. Then students broke out into pairs of two to briefly go over their slices and get initial feedback. Finally, we talked about The Beginner's Guide, how it structures play, and what story it tells about videogames, art, and their creators.


In-Class Writing

Copy and past the brainstorming table linked above into your own in-class writing doc, and fill out the rows based on the choices you've made for Project 1 so far. It's okay if your choices end up changing as you continue working. Don't feel that you need to fill out every row: just focus on the rows that are the most generative and relevant for you to explore at this point. You can use (directly or indirectly) your brainstorming in your Statement of Goals and Choices draft due Sunday (9/27).

Tuesday, September 24 Asynchronous Topic: Independent Work Time

There's no asynchronous work this week, to allow you time to work on your draft for Project 1. Feel free to drop in on Thursday during our open hour if you want to use the time to work or chat with other students. I can also introduce you to the pomodoro technique and talk through time management strategies to help as you work on your projects.

Let me know if you'd like to set up a time to meet to talk more about your project, or if you run into specific questions as you work.

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