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Week of 9/8-9/10: Interactivity and Audience

Updated: Sep 10, 2020

Tuesday, September 8 Synchronous Topic: A Closer Look at Interactivity

If you miss class: First, make sure you can access the Zoom chat channels (see the slides for instructions) and that you can see your portfolio agreement on your Moodle homepage. Take a look at the prompt for Major Project 1 and the proposal, and reach out to me if you have any questions. I also recommend that you take a look at the slides, and check in with other students on the Zoom chat channels to get a sense of what we discussed in relation to howling dogs and Public Secret. Also make sure to sign up in an open slot for a group on the Doc linked below. Check in with me so I can pass along contact info for your group, as you'll be checking in with them in the second half of the week.

Class Summary: We started out by going over some logistical points: making sure everyone has access to the Zoom channels, that everyone can see their portfolio agreements in Moodle, and that everyone is signed up for a group to meet with this week. Then we workshopped two students' second Multimodal Response, accounting for the ways they're using the modes effectively and what their work shows us about the multimodal process. Then we discussed howling dogs and interactivity before breaking into the groups students signed up for so that folks could make a plan to meet later in the week.


In-Class Writing

How do howling dogs and Public Secret structure interactivity and audience engagement in different ways? What is gained through the way they use multimodal design, and what would have been lost if they were composed without an interactive element and using predominately the linguistic mode?

Thursday, September 10 Asynchronous Topic: Determining Our Tech Policy and Brainstorming for Project 1

First, take a look at this video I created that gives a more in-depth overview of how to use Twine, along with some additional Twine project examples:


0.00 Basics of Twine

9.15 More advanced Twine design options

20:58 Additional examples of Twine and interactive fiction texts

33:24 Uploading your Twine project to

Second, make sure to meet with the group you signed up with on Tuesday (contact me if you were absent and don't have a group). You can meet either via a call on Zoom or over live chat (either in a Zoom chat group or you can use the chat feature in a Google Doc). A key component of this meeting is discussion, so you'll want to meet at the same time if at all possible. Feel free to use our extra hour on Thursday (from 9:30-10:45) for your meeting. In your meeting, you should:

  1. Check in on how you're navigating this online course, as well as your online classes in general. What's been challenging for you, and what's helped you balance your coursework?

  2. Talk about your plans for Project 1 and use the time to brainstorm and bounce ideas off one another.

Other than that, your only other goal for the rest of the week is to work on Multimodal Experiment 3 and the Project 1 Proposal. Feel free to drop in during office hours or on Thursday from 9:30-10:45 if you have any questions or just want to run your Project 1 idea by me in advance.

A still from the choices-matter game, Life is Strange

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